UFOS-ETS-Abductees and Brilliant Minds – Documentary by Patty Greer

UFOs-ETs-Abductees and Brilliant Minds
Breaking the silence of 17 years, Patty Greer was the first film maker granted permission and backstage access to shoot a documentary at an International UFO Congress Convention. This convention is a convincing crash course in UFO realities. 800 UFO Experts and Contactees (abductees) from all over the world met at a casino hotel in the Nevada desert for 10 days and nights to give lectures offering updates and compare notes. You’ll meet Cynthia, a Hybrid (half human/half alien) and hear her amazing story in this illuminating DVD. Therapist Barbara Lamb confirms she’s conducted more than 1,800 regression sessions with ET Contactees. Greer brings you the most interesting stories imaginable from the International UFO Congress Convention – backstage, up close, and personal.

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