The Lone Assassin Theory – Photographic Evidence – JFK Assassination Part 1 (2004)

The “backyard photos”, taken by Marina Oswald probably around March 31, 1963 using a camera belonging to Oswald, show Oswald holding two Marxist newspapers—The Militant and The Worker—and a rifle, and wearing a pistol in a holster.[273] Shown the pictures after his arrest, Oswald insisted they were forgeries,[274] but Marina testified in 1964 that she had taken the photographs at Oswald’s request—[275] testimony she reaffirmed repeatedly over the decades.[n 14] These photos were labelled CE 133-A and CE 133-B. CE 133-A shows the rifle in Oswald’s left hand and newspapers in front of his chest in the other, while the rifle is held with the right hand in CE 133-B. Oswald’s mother testified that on the day after the assassination she and Marina destroyed another photograph with Oswald holding the rifle with both hands over his head, with “To my daughter June” written on it.[276]

The HSCA obtained another first-generation print (from CE 133-A) on April 1, 1977, from the widow of George de Mohrenschildt. The words “Hunter of fascists—ha ha ha!” written in block Russian were on the back. Also in English were added in script: “To my friend George, Lee Oswald, 5/IV/63 [April 5, 1963].”[277] Handwriting experts for the HSCA concluded the English inscription and signature were by Oswald. After two original photos, one negative and one first-generation copy had been found, the Senate Intelligence Committee located (in 1976) a third backyard photo (CE 133-C) showing Oswald with newspapers held away from his body in his right hand.

These photos, widely recognized as some of the most significant evidence against Oswald, have been subjected to rigorous analysis.[278] Photographic experts consulted by the HSCA concluded they were genuine,[279] answering twenty-one points raised by critics.[280] Marina Oswald has always maintained she took the photos herself, and the 1963 de Mohrenschildt print bearing Oswald’s signature clearly indicate they existed before the assassination. Nonetheless, some continue to contest their authenticity.[281] In 2009, after digitally analyzing the photograph of Oswald holding the rifle and paper, computer scientist Hany Farid concluded[282] that the photo “almost certainly was not altered.”

Some critics have not accepted the conclusions of the Warren Commission and have proposed several other theories, such as that Oswald conspired with others, or was not involved at all and was framed.

In October 1981, with Marina’s support, Oswald’s grave was opened to test a theory propounded by writer Michael Eddowes: that during Oswald’s stay in the Soviet Union he was replaced with a Soviet double; that it was this double, not Oswald, who killed Kennedy and who is buried in Oswald’s grave; and that the exhumed remains would therefore not exhibit a surgical scar Oswald was known to carry. Dental records positively identified the exhumed corpse as Oswald’s, and the scar was present.

A 2003 Gallup poll reported that 75% of Americans do not believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President Kennedy.[268] That same year an ABC News poll found that 70% of respondents suspected that the assassination involved more than one person.[269] A 2004 Fox News poll found that 66% of Americans thought there had been a conspiracy while 74% thought there had been a cover-up.[270] A Gallup Poll taken in mid-November 2013, showed 61% believed in a conspiracy, and only 30% thought Oswald acted alone.
Several films have fictionalized a trial of Oswald. The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (1964); The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (1977); and On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald (1986) have fictionalized a trial of Oswald. In 1988, a 21-hour unscripted mock trial was held on television, argued by lawyers before a judge,[272] with unscripted testimony from surviving witnesses to the events surrounding the assassination; the jury returned a verdict of guilty. In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

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