The 33 Stargate Portals of Light ~ Elders Transmission Via Anrita Melchizedek

The audio in this video is by Anrita Melchizedek in her channeled message called “The 33 Stargate Portals of Light ~ Elders Transmission ~ March 2014”
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Transcribed By Eadie Miller
Video By Steven Hutchinson

Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this second year in this new Golden Age of Light, and in this month of March 2014, on the tail end of the equinox energies. As you entered into this Gateway of Light, sweet ones, connecting to the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child through your Beloved I AM Presence, you experienced a deeper sense of balance, and empowerment. And these energies of Light that are held in this beautiful Gateway of Light through the Illumined Beings of Light from On High and your Beloved I AM Presence activate the Unity Grid of Divine Love with not only a deeper sense of purpose and balance, but also power, sweet ones. And we talk here of empowerment, we talk here of being able to wield power rather than submit to it, of being able to trust and surrender to the Divine, and to surrender your will to God’s Will;

So let us start, sweet ones, by simply centering, coming into stillness, coming within your heart. You visualize now this beautiful Pillar of Light coming in around your body and energy field, connecting you to all dimensions of Light. As you activate your antakarana, your fluorescent tube of Light, breathing deep through this fluorescent tube of Light, breathing deep into the body, you merge now with your Higher Self of the Light, your Guardian Angel, and all twelve Soul Rays of which you are one. This is your soul family, sweet ones, and there are many of you that are bringing in your soul family at this time for a deeper level of support. There are also those that still feel this sense of being alone, or walking this Pathway of Divine Love on your own, and yet you are not, sweet ones ~ you are embraced always by the Legions of Light from On High, sweet ones, as they walk in front of you, next to you, behind you, and you are magnetizing, manifesting and bringing in to your reality those that truly see you, understand you and appreciate you, sweet ones. And as you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence and all hundred and forty four Soul Rays of which you are one, your soul and star family and friends of the Light, you have a deeper sense of your star origins, you have a deeper sense of your star family, sweet ones. You have a deeper sense of your soul purpose.

And now, as you experience grounding into the crystalline matrix and the crystal heart of Mother Earth, through the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, you have a sense too of these vibrant energies of Light around you, activating your Lightbody, these Rays of Light emitting around you ~ reflecting, being absorbed, being activated, these energies of Light, sweet ones, that guide you ever forwards along the Pathways of Divine Love. And as you have a sense now of this Unity Grid of Divine Love, you are surrounded in this golden, diamond and white Flame of Divine Love, coming deeper into your heart, strengthening your connection to your soul and star family and friends of the Light and the knowing, sweet ones, that you are sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, that you are Initiates of Light, and way showers and teachers in this Now, in this Golden Age of Light. As you start to feel this strength, as you start to experience a deeper sense of the knowing of the power that you hold, of the wisdom that you are, sweet ones, you are wrapped now in this beautiful golden Flame of Unity Consciousness. As you start connecting deeper into this Unity Grid of Divine Love, connecting with the lightworkers and star-seeded ones, and all the Beings of Light from on High that you personally acknowledge, you invite them into your sacred space, and as you feel and experience these many beautiful Beings of Light, holding with you the New Earth templates through the Unity Grid of Divine Love. You have this deep sense of knowing that you are One with Mother/Father God, that you are One with all Life.

To see the full transcription – please go to the discussion with the same title on Lightgrid –

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