Saturn’s moon Titan: The only feasible planet for Human Habitation outside Earth.

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Presently, Mars is in public focus for manned spaceflight, most of all because it has an atmosphere, a “magic” word in terms of habitability. In reality, this “atmosphere” is closer to a vacuum than what an industrial vacuum pump on Earth can achieve. It prohibits the massive cooling that our energy technology requires – our energy converters are all hot.

Little cooling thus means little power – forget industrial activity, like mining and manufacturing on Mars, where we can do nothing much more than to walk around at best. On very cold Titan with its methane lakes, the conditions are far more Earth-like, while cosmic radiation is as good as zero there.

On Titan we can use our present energy technology, not on Mars. The main problem is that Titan is so terribly far away – hibernation flight for the crew will be necessary (basically for Mars also). It’s all worked out on the website:

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