Pyramid Hydraulic Ram Water Pump (1of3)

John Cadman

Back in 2000, I built a scale working model of the subterranean section of the Great Pyramid. It is only the subterranean section and I don’t know the total purpose of the entire Great Pyramid.

The subterranean section is a water pump (by-product) and a hydraulic pulse generator (primary function) It agressively resonates the King’s chamber.

This layout is completely different than Edward Kunkel’s work (The Pharaoh’s Pump) and it does work. I am not affiliated with “The Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation” in any way.

It has been in Dr. John DeSalvo’s book, “The Complete Pyramid Sourcebook” and Edward Malkowski’s book, “Ancient Egypt, 39,000 BCE”

Supported and endorsed by Dr. John DeSalvo, Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Dr. Kirti Betai, Joe Parr, Chris Dunn, etc.

The latest vids for Project Camelot (please note that this is for general public and shows the water pump aspect)

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