Huge Structures on the Moon – Official Data Source

Strange structures / anomalies on the Moon.
How does NASA explain this ?

The white object (high albedo) located in the Copernicus Crater seems to have an evident artificial architecture. A horizontal half-circle shape (with a shadow on a part) terminating at the front with a curved plan (on the right) toward the left side. An overhanging ‘head’ is at the center of the structure. On the left of the object there’s a T-like building, with a spherical object above.

If someone could help for structures scale…


Official image :



Eastern Oceanus Procellarum
Mare Insularum
Copernicus Crater
(~) 9.10° N, 19.20° W
US Lunar Orbiter 5 (1967)


Music : Vangelis

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