Fairies, Real Fairy Photos, Nature Spirit Photography, Elemental Beings, Real Gnomes & Faeries

Learn how to see real fairies and elemental beings in your photos and about nature spirit photography.

Real fairies – they exist in a completely different dimension to human beings.

– nature spirit photos.

– nature spirit discussions, research & spirit photo forum.

Nature beings can alter their own energy to be receptive to the light spectrum of a digital camera.

They can be photographed in the elements of water, fire, earth and air.

A human body only has a small percentage of solid matter – nature spirits are not what is generally thought of as ‘physical’. They fade in and out of our reality by will and thought alone.

They manifest as a mass of energy – a sea of holographic faces and several can occupy the same space at the same time.

They rarely manifest alone. So bysearching for a single well-defined physical being, you may not see them at all.

Do not look for fictional Tinkerbell with wings!

They are the masters of camouflage and can infuse themselves into their environment.

No wings are photographed.

Faeries are usually illustrated with wings – the Victorians were passionate about drawing them ths way – as slight figures with wings, like Tink!

They can physically manipulate the physcial surroundings and fashion this into clothing and a wide variety of hats.

They bend light to be seen or unseen and their energy and manifestation can effect the photo, so some images come out blurred. These shots are not a photography error – it is called the blurred effect as the photos are of another dimension – behind the veil.

Close examination of blurred photos reveals a glimpse into a parrallel dimension. This blurring is natural.

Elemental energy sometimes has no right way up so looking at photos from all angles can be very interesting.

They are known by many names.

Air spirits – sylphs
Earth spirits – gnomes
Fire spirits – salamanders
Water spirits – undines

It is a task to define them. 1,000 can occupy a single tree and beings under a usb microscope and giants seen using Google Earth look fairly similar.

If you wish to try taking some photos or have any questions about elemental beings, please visit the Fairytastic Forum:

Thank you for watching.
Blessings, Samantha

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