Debunking Alien Abductions Through The Paranormal Insights Of Gerone Wright

We are similarly born through the scenario of Hospital delivery room. The equipment and surroundings within that room are identical to the scenarios of people accounts claiming to have been abducted by aliens. It’s my position that alien abductions, out of body experiences, and relating scenarios are really moments of near death experiences which provoke our minds recount the moments of being delivered during our birthing period. The described moments are triggered through a dimensional chemistry’s around our world which could be the passing through hallucinogenic gases or even field areas of our planets magnetic energies unknowingly wherein your mind suffers a dimensional retarded stage that sets you mentally back to the first moments of your life, which is the moment of being born. There is no alien encounter scenario more compelling then the imaginative moments and memory of a child taken from a bag of water in his mother belly through the traumatizing moment of exiting its mothers fleshly and slimy insides and finally into the hands of alien delivery room hospital workers. Those suppressed traumatized thoughts are reawaken in select few of people and becomes confusing to them and only explainable to them as real alien encounter. In a previous video I have already decoded how so called alien vessels appears in our skies. those images are reflected images of man made and placed in orbit objects which are through a radiated chemistry with our sun and space are showing in our worlds skies like a drive in movie scene. The objects being described as alien flying objects can be matched to anyone of the thousands of objects within orbit of our world. The chemistry between our sun, space, and the man made objects in orbit of our world are creating over head projection like images back into the skies of world which have become the playing screen of the unique fields of energy and images. Gerone Wright

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