Collection of the best / most credible UFO sightings.

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Another video with other UFO footage

Video by High Rolla!/pages/High-Rolla/324021540977473

Went to town on this one. A collection of some of the best UFO footage available. ‘UFO’ meaning unidentified flying objects, not necessarily aliens in spacecraft.

A few of these video clips are most likely balloons, test craft, comets or fakes but i have included them because they look cool. Most of the videos are authentic Nasa footage along with some of what i think to be the most interesting videos / sightings there are around.

Natural phenomenon? airforce aircraft / drone / weather test craft? space debris? Comets, Chinese Lanterns, ballons, blimps or such like? secrets hidden by some nefarious Illuminate? beings from other planets or just plain fakes?
You decide.

The track is a homage to strange things in the sky of which there seem to be huge amount of sightings these days. The track takes actual police radio recordings taken from the infamous Rendlesham Forest incident near a US Nuclear weapons sight / Woodbridge airbase in the United Kingdom in 1980. Some of this recording has also been sampled by Photek for his classic Drum & Bass track “UFO”

Its always worth noting the US Airforce spend a ridiculous amount of money on dis information and perpetuating stories about other worldly spacecraft to hide their tests / experiments / aircraft from their enemies / competitors. There is a small percentage of very strange unexplained lights / craft..who knows? no one for sure.

The truth is out there..somewhere.


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