9/11: Inside Job or Conspiracy Theory?



1. “I’m not an expert on anything but a 5 year old could tell you a little fire will not make a building implode at free fall speed into it’s self. Makes me sick how brainwashed people can be when it comes to being told what to think by the Media.” (Shawn Yanasak)

2. “I feel people are afraid to admit they’ve been lied to, much like a spouse in denial over the other’s cheating. Hurts too much, and action must follow if you face the facts.” (Aaron J Maughan)

3. “As a UK believer 9/11 was an inside job. After 9/11 and 7/7 bombings can we trust the governments? We all know 9/11 and 7/7 was a false flag operation to create war. Bush and the ex- bush administrators should be brought to justice. The pentagon was hit by a missile and building 7 was a controlled demolition. My heart will always go out for the families who lost someone in the saddest day that I will remember.” (Ian Careless)

4. “I still love watching the British News Live Report telling everyone that building Seven had just collapsed, but you can see building 7 in the background of the Live Shot. Do they really think we are that dumb?” (Zig Ziegler)

5. “I hate CBS/FOX/ABC/NBC/MSNBC/HEADLINE NEWS/CNN . . . You’d think 1 (just 1) of them would have mentioned building 7. But they’re all too chicken shit to say anything that will embarrass the government! Because of that, I as an American citizen, am embarrassed of my government.” (Nathan Arnold Charging)

6. “I really feel sorry for the people that trust, believe our government. They have no shame about being stupid. So sad, so embarrassing. It’s so disgusting and hard to stomach that our government is that evil and corrupt, but it is what it is sadly. We need to never give up on spreading the truth.” (Farah Hartley)

7. “I can’t understand how so many people believe the “official story”. All the buildings fell in neat piles barely damaging the surrounding buildings. All you have to do is watch a controlled demolition and you’ll know that’s what 9/11 was. Don’t even get me started on the Pennsylvania missile…. I mean flight 93. America is the zombie apocalypse!” (Kevin Fortuna)

8. “What still piss me off is the fact that Americans don’t give a shit about the truth. If you start arguing about this sensitive subject they start calling you paranoid or something even more offending. USA may be the biggest country in the world but most of the people over there are just coward, afraid of shouting for a cause. Too bad…” (Alexandru Tudor)

9. “If its anything like the program broadcast by the BBC (or British Brainwashing Corporation to use the full title) it won’t be worth watching. The BBC have an image of impartial journalism but they are as bad as Fox News. Like says, that Conspiracy Files programme on BBC2 about 9/11 is the worst, most biased programme I have ever seen. All it does is present a small part of a theory then spends the next 15 minutes trying to disprove what is an insignificant part of the larger theory they didn’t mention. It’s typically BBC, funded by the government and propaganda to the masses.” (Dai Watson)

10. “The truth will prevail. This cannot be hidden forever. The corrupt media along with corrupt governments of this world are to blame. I couldn’t believe that there is also solid evidence that AA11 which flew into the North Tower, and AA77 which (apparently) flew into the Pentagon, were ‘Phantom Flights’ and that they never even existed, according to the Bureau of Traffic Safety (BTS) records. According to BTS both AA11 and AA77 officially never took-off on 9/11. I work in the airline industry and there is meticulous data, which is kept on every airliner taking-off at every airport in the country/world. It shows elapsed run-way time, wheels-off time and taxi-out time etc. This data existed for these flights on 9/10, but was missing on 9/11. And no one has ever given a full explanation on this missing data! – Do they think we are all stupid!” (Mel Jason Allmark)

11. “The only terrorists are the ones who brought terror to Iraq and Afghanistan! 9/11 was an inside job! The skyscrapers were pulled down by explosives! And there were not two but THREE skyscrapers, which were pulled down! The third one not even seriously damaged. This is more than suspicious! This truth is like an explosive itself and is spreading around the world always faster! All the world is going to know it. It is unstoppable! And the real responsible for this crime are going to be brought to war crime court! They are traitors of their own nation. They are the only and the true terrorists. May this world be a peaceful place one day!” (Björn Sommerfeld)



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