9/11 Conspiracy, Illuminati and the Oil Spill.

In this movie I talk about the “Post Glacial Rebound” effect BelieversUnderground talks about in his videos. I have done much research on this topic and it does have many valid credentials and facts that back up this idea. I would suggest that you look at BelieversUnderground Youtube Channel to see what you think.

I also talk about 9/11 and briefly tell about how and why it was done by our own government and ask you to do research about 9/11 and research on the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs. It is impairative that these secret societies are exposed. Also, since they are big brother, if you happen to make an influence on a certain amount of people and/or is making an impression on them they will dileberately take you out by killing you and or imprisoning you for terroristic plots and interrogation.

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