1341+749 マザー・シプトンの世紀末大予言とダビンチ(Mother Shipton’s Prophecies & L. da Vinci))

Prophecies of Mother Shipton(マザーシプトンの予言)


Mother Shipton reputedly was born Ursula Sontheil in 1488 in Norfolk, England, and died in 1561. She exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age. At 24 married to Toby Shipton, she eventually became known as Mother Shipton. Many of her visions came true within her own lifetime and in subsequent centuries. These rare verses from Mother Shipton seem to have prophetic indications for our times, but, of course, are open to interpretation.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

March 13th 2015 (March 19th, 2014)
Hiroshi Hayashi

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